
Innovatív megoldás a veszélyes kórházi hulladék kezelésére: A Celitron ISS rendszere

Az egészségügyi intézmények számára a veszélyes biomedikai hulladék kezelése mindennapos kihívást jelent. Ezek az anyagok nemcsak a betegek és az egészségügyi dolgozók egészségét veszélyeztetik, hanem súlyos környezeti károkat is okozhatnak, ha nem megfelelően ártalmatlanítják őket

GEFE 2024 Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City

A Celitron Kft. a Green Economy Forum & Exhibition 2024 rendezvényen Ho Si Minh-városban

Visit us at FIME 2023
Visit us at FIME 2023

We're excited to invite you to join us at the largest trade show for the medical equipment industry in the Americas, located in Miami.

Inauguration of our new ISS AC-575 unit in Nepal
Inauguration of our new ISS AC-575 unit in Nepal

The Ministry of Health Representatives were also present at the event. This unit is the perfect solution for medical waste disposal on-site.

'A' Series installation in Poland
'A' Series installation in Poland

We are pleased to show you our new A Series installation in Poland, in the Katowice Hospital's CSSD.

Celitron's new ISS 500 L unit
Celitron's new ISS 500 L unit

We are pleased to show you our new ISS 500 L unit, which our distributor installed in Mauritius.

KIHE 2022
KIHE 2022

Celitron is attending KAZAKHSTAN INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE EXHIBITION 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Arab Health 2022
Arab Health 2022

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our business partners for visiting our stand at Arab Health 2022.

The risks associated with Covid-19 spreading from animals to humans are no laughing matter anymore
The risks associated with Covid-19 spreading from animals to humans are no laughing matter anymore

The risks associated with Covid-19 spreading from animals to humans are no laughing matter anymore. A new mutated strain of the coronavirus has appeared at several mink farms in Denmark, and has already spread to more than 200 people.

A mutated version of the coronavirus has spread among minks
A mutated version of the coronavirus has spread among minks

Yet another possible escalation amidst the Covid-19 pandemic: Denmark, the number 1 mink producer in the world is planning to cull over 15 million minks in the country, after a mutated version of the coronavirus has spread from the animals and infected 12 people.

Insect farming seems to be such a good business opportunity, that even the notorious “Iron Man” Robert Downey Jr cannot pass it up
Insect farming seems to be such a good business opportunity, that even the notorious “Iron Man” Robert Downey Jr cannot pass it up

Insect farming seems to be such a good business opportunity, that even the notorious “Iron Man” cannot pass it up. Robert Downey Jr. is the latest investor of one of the biggest insect farms being built in Northern France.

Medical-grade sterilization to safely handle the disposal of infectious carcasses and prevention of the escalation of diseases like ASF
Medical-grade sterilization to safely handle the disposal of infectious carcasses and prevention of the escalation of diseases like ASF

Even amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Germany must now prepare to face another crisis in the form of an African swine fever outbreak.

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