Ideal agricultural solution for eco-friendly and safe waste removal during the time of COVID-19
As shown by this recent outbreak, companies still have to be mindful of the necessary safety measures to prevent incidents like these. In the case of the 2 Sisters Food Group, their troubles go back before the start of the pandemic: outdated and faulty equipment can also be very costly for those working in the meat industry. While there is still no clear data showing that poultry are susceptible to the coronavirus, proper sterilization equipment and animal carcass disposal systems still play a vital role, especially in times like these.
Manufacturers such as Celitron are a good example: more modern solutions like the ISS AGRI are ideal for safe and eco-friendly waste removal. On-site machines like these can even help with recycling by-products, by turning them into meat, bone, blood, and feather meals.
As you can see in the following article of Daily Mail, how the current situation affects the British meat factories: Daily Mail article 'Major coronavirus outbreak hits British meat factory supplying chicken'