Autoclave compatible materials – What kind of materials can be sterilized in an autoclave?
What can we consider autoclave compatible materials? Steam sterilizers like Celitron’s machines have become one of the most popular on-site sterilization solutions for medical facilities and are already present in more than 40 countries all around the globe. They can treat biomedical waste (so it can be thrown away without it representing a risk of infection) and certain types of medical tools (which can then be safely used again for the treatment of patients).
Read on to find out what kind of materials can be sterilized in an autoclave!
How does an autoclave sterilize compatible materials?
Autoclaves serve a dual purpose. They are capable of sterilizing compatible materials including certain types of medical waste as well, which makes them a highly effective (and practical) part of the medical waste disposal process.
Autoclavable materials come out completely sterilized free of infectious bacteria and can either be thrown away like regular municipal waste or reused for the treatment of patients.
The main resource used by autoclaves to sterilize compatible materials is steam which is supplied by an electric clean steam generator.
Class B autoclaves are the most advanced type of steam sterilizer, as they can treat various kinds of materials. This makes them one of the most popular choices for all kinds of clinics and hospitals.
During steam sterilization, the autoclave destroys all microorganisms present on the surface of autoclave compatible materials inside the chamber, including bacterial spores, prions, and even heat-resistant bacteria, since the temperature of the steam used by autoclaves ranges between 121 and 134 degrees Celsius. By removing the air inside with a powerful vacuum pump and raising the pressure, class B autoclaves also raise the boiling point of water, allowing them to kill all manners of foreign materials on autoclavable materials.
Autoclavable materials which CAN be sterilized in an autoclave
In the case of autoclavable materials, it is of vital importance that you make sure that the items you are about to treat are compatible with the high-pressure, high-heat environment created within the chamber of the autoclave. If you fail to do so, in the worst-case scenarios, it may even lead to serious health and safety risks (items melting inside or catching fire).
Always check the manufacturer’s instructions in detail!
Here’s a rundown about autoclave compatible materials that CAN be sterilized on-site:
- Stainless steel
- Metallic medical tools, surgical Instruments
- Contaminated solid items
- Plastic pipette tips (inside appropriate biohazard beds)
- Polypropylene (PP secondary containers) and polycarbonate (PC) plastics (keep containers and bags open so that the steam can penetrate them)
- Biological tissue culture flasks and plates
- Media Solutions
- Glassware (Pyrex, Pyrex type materials, or type I borosilicate glass)
- Paper (if placed inside a biohazardous autoclave waste bag)
- Stainless steel
- Latex gloves, vinyl (inside biohazardous autoclave waste bags)
- Hospital linens, textile materials
Autoclave incompatible materials which CAN NOT be sterilized in an autoclave
The general rule when considering what materials are autoclavable is that you should NEVER load items that have come into contact with solvents, volatile or corrosive chemicals. Radioactive materials are also not compatible with autoclaves, as well as items that contain carcinogens, mutagens, or teratogens.
Here’s a short rundown about materials that are NOT autoclavable:
- Non-stainless steel
- Acids, organic solvents
- Chlorine, hypochlorite, bleach
- Explosive and flammable materials
- Radioactive materials
- Corrosive and toxic materials
- Chlorine-based products, sulphates
- Polystyrene (PS),Polyurethane
- Low density (LDPE) and High-density polyethylene(HDPE)
- Seawater
- Paraffin-embedded tissue
- Any kind of liquid in sealed containers
- Any material that touches the surface of the autoclave’s chamber
- Pharmaceuticals, pills
What procedures should be followed when sterilizing autoclave compatible materials?
Modern autoclaves like Celitron’s machines come with extra safety features, but that doesn’t mean you can forego wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (lab coat, heat resistant gloves, closed-toe shoes eye protection).
Remember that autoclaves can use different cycle settings: always choose the appropriate cycle for the autoclavable materials inside. Incorrect choices can damage the steam sterilizer, cause bottles to break or liquids to boil over.
Celitron’s autoclaves for sterilizing medical materials and waste – reliable on-site solutions for clinics and hospitals
Celitron offers 3 main types of autoclaves for sterilizing compatible medical materials and waste. These are:
- Azteca A series – large-capacity autoclaves (models ranging between 110 liters – 880 liters capacity chambers)
- Azteca AC series - medium-capacity autoclaves (models ranging between 75 liters – 200 liters capacity chambers)
- Sting 11B Premium – small-capacity autoclaves (models with 25-liter capacity chambers)
Our autoclaves are all class B models, the most advanced type of steam sterilizer available on the market. This means they have the most versatility when it comes to sterilizing autoclave compatible materials, and can treat even the most complex of loads on-site. Lower-class autoclaves are not compatible with materials like textile items or porous loads.
Quality sterilization is consistent with all models: the only difference is the amount of free space they require and the number of materials that can be autoclaved in one cycle.
The sterilization and drying of autoclave compatible materials only take about 20 minutes to be completed, and the whole process is automatic: you only need to push a button, and the doors of the steam sterilizer will open and close automatically. Thanks to extra safety features, the door of the autoclave chamber cannot be opened while pressure and temperature levels are still too high.
Celitron’s autoclaves are all made of corrosion-resistant, high-quality 316L stainless steel, and are equipped with energy-saving systems to provide a cost-effective and green operation. All to provide you with one of the best long-term solutions to treat autoclavable materials.
Furthermore, we can also provide you with an electric steam generator, which will:
- further improve sterilization effectiveness
- provide 100% clean steam for facilities that require a level 3 biosafety
Make sure to always check the manufacturer’s instructions in detail about what kind of materials can be sterilized in an autoclave.
To learn more about our solutions for sterilizing autoclave compatible materials, CHECK OUT CELITRON’S WEBSITE, and make sure TO CONTACT OUR TEAM to receive a quote customized to the needs of your facility!