A podiatry autoclave guide by Celitron – what is the right steam sterilizer for your clinic?
Autoclaves are among the most prominent methods of medical tool and equipment sterilization, and can be seen in facilities all over the world, including hospitals, dental and veterinary clinics, pharmacies, operating theaters, and even dialysis centers. Celitron can fully attest to their popularity, as we have already sold our autoclave machines in more than forty countries!
However, it should also be noted that their application is also relevant in podiatry clinics, so consider this article your “podiatry autoclave guide”: we will discuss everything you need to know about the uses of these so called steam sterilizers, how they can help your day-to-day activities and increase the efficiency of your work, as well as what type of autoclave you should choose.
Read on and let Celitron make your choice easier!
What should a podiatrist know about autoclaves?
Autoclaves (AKA steam sterilizers) are machines that look a lot like pressure cookers. These highly modern pieces of medical equipment use elevated pressures and high temperatures well over 100 degrees Celsius to sterilize (i.e. remove all potentially infectious bacteria and spores) both wrapped and unwrapped instruments that are put inside the chamber of the podiatry autoclave.
There are quite big models out there on the market that are used by many larger medical facilities like hospitals, but fortunately, there are much more compact machines too that are perfect for smaller clinics. Just like Celitron’s medium steam sterilizer, which we will discuss in detail in the later part of this article.
The reason podiatry clinics need to (and should) use autoclaves
In case you are a practicing podiatrist or chiropodist, then it is more than likely that you will be expected to use some form of sterilization method that follows your government’s guidelines.
For example, in the United Kingdom, the Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists strongly recommends the use if autoclaves for the sterilization of podiatry instruments. Regardless, almost all main associations that have some connections with the private foot care market are in favor if using autoclaves, so even if you are just doing basic, non-invasive procedures, it is highly advisable that you use a steam sterilizer in your practice.
Azteca AC series – the medium autoclave you should choose for your podiatry clinic
If you’re planning on buying your first podiatry autoclave, it is important to carefully consider the options available to you: the model you choose should be the right type and size for your practice. It will definitely help your clinic in the long term, but since it is also an important investment, this decision cannot be taken lightly. Chances are large autoclaves (like Celitron’s Azteca A series) might not be the perfect fit for you, as they are better suited for larger facilities that work with huge loads of tools and equipment.
Fortunately, Celitron has a model that is an ideal choice for small and medium sized clinics as well, without having to compromise on quality: this the Azteca AC series.
These medium steam sterilizers are one of the best options you can get on the market right now if you’re looking for a podiatry autoclave. Thanks to their more moderate size, they can easily be installed and incorporated into the daily system of your medical facility. You can also choose from different models with varying capacity to find the autoclave that is the best suited for your podiatry clinic’s traffic: the Azteca AC steam sterilizers are available with capacities ranging from 75 to 200 liters.
Here are the main benefits you can expect from using Celitron’s podiatry autoclave:
1. Quality components and an effective process
Every single component of the Azteca AC has been selected with utmost attention to meet the highest quality standards of leading tech companies in the world, such as the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive): Celitron’s medium steam sterilizer is equipped with a heated, jacketed round chamber that is made entirely of corrosion resistant, stainless steel.
To ensure the appropriate pressure inside the chamber of this podiatry autoclave, a powerful vacuum-system takes care of removing all the air inside, which will provide the ideal environment for the steam sterilization to take place.
2. Ease of use and fast cycles
With high-pressure inside the podiatry autoclave’s chamber, the temperatures ranging between 121 and 134 degrees Celsius allow Celitron’s machine to be done with a sterilization cycle in as fast as 21 minutes, depending on the load inside. This is also made possible by the internal steam generator that is part of the standard equipment of the Azteca AC.
The whole process is made especially user-friendly with the help of a state of the art microprocessor-based control system that makes the entire operation automatic, including closing and opening the door!
It also includes a touch-screen LCD display available in a variety of languages, and you can choose up to 20 different kinds of steam sterilization cycle to customize our machine to suit your needs and your needs only.
3. Sustainable and cost-effective operation
Thanks to the high quality “Hanno-Tech” insulation, this podiatry autoclave’s closed chamber releases zero particles and harmful substances from its vessel, making it a very sustainable method for medical equipment sterilization. This insulation also contributes to the efficiency of the sterilization taking place within the machine.
Celitron’s Azteca AC medium sterilizer also comes equipped with an advanced energy and water saving system, which not only lessens the burden on the environment, but reduces operational costs as well, making this a very viable investment for the long-term business of your podiatry clinic.
4. Special safety features
The steam sterilization process of this podiatry autoclave is not only completely automatic, but our safety features also prevent unauthorized interruptions whenever the temperature and/or pressure inside the vessel is too high, which greatly reduces any risk associated with using a steam sterilizer. If it’s not safe to do so, you won’t be able open its door.
This marks the end of Celitron’s guide. Don’t forget that you can always download our brochures for more technical information, and you can always contact us if you have any further questions. Let our podiatry autoclave make your clinic’s work easier!