Agricultural waste disposal methods: how to make the best out of farm animal waste
Anyone working within the agricultural industry needs to be familiar with the correct waste disposal methods. There are strict regulations in every country regarding the removal of waste that farms, slaughterhouses, and other agricultural facilities produce, but this is not just a matter of following the law to the letter. Incorrect practices can not only harm the environment, but the animals under your care, and as such, your ability to work profitably.
Still, by applying the right method, you can not only avoid damages, but enjoy other benefits as well: modern agricultural waste disposal methods can be used to recycle animal by-products and prevent the spread of diseases as well.
If you have ever wondered how to correctly dispose of agricultural waste, then Celitron’s next article will definitely be of great use to you!
About the importance of finding the right agricultural waste disposal methods
Regardless of the industry, finding the right way to dispose of waste is always a challenge. In the agricultural industry, if a farm animal dies (regardless of the cause),it will be the facility’s responsibility to find the appropriate method for disposing of its carcass in a way that adheres to current regulations. This is something you must prepare for in advance to be able to deal with the issue in a quick and effective manner.
One of the main problems is that if agricultural waste like an animal carcass is not disposed of properly, it can have a distinctly negative impact on the environment, as is the case with other types of waste. Chemical like pesticides that are used in agriculture can also cause mass damages if they end up in the wrong place, like polluting water sources. Since carcasses are a source of hazardous waste, they are also dangerous towards people and other animals. This is especially true if the animal in question was sick beforehand, and if the carcass is not disposed of in a way that halts the spread of a virus like H1N1, ASF, or even Newcastle’ disease, it can easily lead to the death of other animals.
How is agricultural waste disposed of? Methods for getting rid of animal carcasses
All agricultural waste disposal methods have benefits and disadvantages, and regulations can differ depending on the country or state your facility is located in. In the case of animal waste, there are different ways you can safely dispose of carcasses.
Agricultural waste disposal through incineration
- Pros: On-site and mobile incinerators are still one of the most popular methods for agricultural waste disposal, since it can basically destroy all forms of waste, whether they are related to farm animals or not.
- Cons: Operating them usually requires a special permit, and they are not exactly the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of agricultural waste, so you will need to follow special guidelines to limit air pollution. As a sidenote, their operation can also cause very bad odors around your site.
Burying agricultural waste
- Pros: If the conditions of the soil are right (non-porous soil, deep water table),it can be a quick and easy way to handle a massive amount of animal death.
- Cons: Prohibited in the EU and certain states in North America, since it can negatively impact the quality of the soil and the water supplies near the burial site.
Agricultural waste disposal at landfills
- Pros: If properly managed and handled by a professional, licensed pick-up service, disposing of agricultural waste at landfills through direct transportation can be a viable method even during outbreaks.
- Cons: Can be quite expensive, and you will always need to check the individual requirements of each landfill to see what kind of agricultural waste they accept, and what kind methods you need to apply for pre-disposal treatment.
New agricultural waste disposal methods: the benefits of rendering animal waste
Another disadvantage of the previously mentioned agricultural waste disposal methods, is that they do not present you with the option to recycle animal by-products right at the site of your facility. Celitron’s animal waste rendering machines are here to change that.
Recycling agricultural waste: a more productive disposal method
The ISS AGRI Facility is designed to treat whole animal carcasses including poultry, swine, cattle, sheep, and fish.
Its flexible size makes it an ideal solution for smaller farms and large agricultural facilities alike, and since it can render all animal waste onsite, it also allows you to save up on storage and transportation cost. It uses a special separator, decanter, and dryer system to treat by-products like feather, blood, and bone. The whole process is an automated animal waste recycling system which can be finished within an hour, after which you can easily collect your end-products like feather-, bone-, blood-, and meat-meal. These can then be reused as animal feed or high-quality fertilizer for your soil!
Sterilizing and disposing of hazardous agricultural waste safely
The Mobile AGRI also makes incinerators obsolete by being able to sterilize any animal carcass that carries a risk of infection towards other animals or people. In times of virus outbreaks, solutions such as these can be especially useful to prevent farms, slaughterhouses, and other agricultural facilities to suffer catastrophic losses. Based on our successful ISS (Integrated Sterilizer and Shredder),it provides medical-grade sterilization.
New directions in agricultural waste disposal methods: what about insect farms?
Insect farming is also rapidly gaining in popularity within the agricultural industry, as the traditional food industry’s impact on the environment is becoming harder to ignore and countries are looking for alternate protein sources. Celitron’s ISS AGRI can also be used to recover protein and fat from edible insects like black soldier fly larvae, crickets, and grasshoppers.
All in all, there are several agricultural waste disposal methods out there that are still viable, but by today’s standards, the ability to treat, sterilize, and recycle waste onsite with animal waste rendering machines is an advantage you should not miss out on. Be sure to check out all of Celitron’s agricultural waste disposal methods on our website!